1. Check your ballot to ensure it is not damaged, torn, misprinted, or marked in any way. Before you receive the ballot, the election clerk will stamp your ballot paper – make sure that the stamp is on the perforated line of the ballot paper handed to you. Ensure there is a serial number. If there are any issues with the ballot paper or stamp, it’s within your right as a voter to ask for a new one.
  2. When you mark your ballot, crosses, ticks, circles, asterisks, dashes in ANY coloured ink are acceptable. Ensure your mark lies ONLY within the boundaries of the box given and is LEGIBLE.
  3. If you mark more than one and/or outside the given box, your vote may NOT be counted.
  4. Make sure your indelible ink does not smudge on your paper. Your vote may be disqualified.
What are your feelings
Updated on July 17, 2023